Master of Disaster

Master of Disaster is a global online game where players have to solve different cases of catastrophes in the first 72 hours. The so called serious game is free and can be played by everyone everywhere in the world. The player can choose between different characters and between places of previous catastrophes.
Thus the game should concern with already happened catastrophes, possible levels could be an earthquake in Italy, Tsunami at the Philippines or a hunger crisis in Djibouti. Possible characters could be journalist, civilian victim, soldier, family member, aid agency or a district government. Each character has to solve different kinds of tasks within one level. For solving the tasks the player needs to interact with other players and their characters.
The main aspect of the game is to work together with the other players in a strategic way. How can people be saved if the characters only have one car to use? How can victims communicate with their family members? Furthermore the characters could help each other by sharing items like clean water. The idea is to get a realistic view about the first 72 hours after a catastrophe in a more moderate form.
The intentions of the game are various: In the first place to get the players sensitive for reasons and effects of a catastrophe. Secondly to educate people all over the world for these topics in an innovative way - combining entertainment with education. Furthermore the players can learn how to react in real cases: prevention. Last but not least like in other famous online-games the players can buy different items to upgrade their characters. This money will be donated to real aid agencies which are working in cases of catastrophes and which are helping real victims.
This approach combines different modern and innovative areas. The growing global internet community, the growing scene and importance of online-based computer games with education, prevention and sensitization are all included.
In case a real catastrophe happens the player later can join a new map playing this current catastrophe. This is not for putting the cruelness of a catastrophe in a game, it is for getting contact to new audience and let the players take action in the way they can and want to.
This proceeding shows that Master of Disaster has a basic connection to the first 72 hours after a disaster. When a catastrophe happens the attention is very big, therefore new people can join the game, educate their selves and in a next step donate money. Furthermore if people from catastrophe areas join the game they could learn how to react in a real catastrophe or how to behave best in the first 72 hours.
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First 72 Hours

Soluciones que entreguen una respuesta rápida frente a las necesidades básicas y humanitarias producidas por una emergencia o catástrofe

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